The gorge of Toudgha (Tinghir / Morocco) and ecological tourism 01/07/2019

The place is preserved and majestic. It is the delight of thousands of climbing enthusiasts around the world. The Gorges de Todgha are totally exceptional. The cliffs rise to 300 meters of the ground and culminate to 2500 meters of altitude. We are in the High Atlas, in an area located in high mountainous terrain. The beauty of the place has inspired many films including Lawrence of Arabia.
Along the way from Tinghir to the gorge, there are inns where you can have a meal at a very cheap price. Each of them have links with the gorge. The bravest ones may decide to go on foot. It is then necessary to count 4 hours of march. It is probably one of the most beautiful roads in the Kingdom. It runs along a palm grove that stretches for many kilometers. Those looking for authenticity will be touched by Berber villages that reflect a millennial way of life.

From the bottom of the cliffs, you can barely see a strip of blue sky. Some of them have never been crossed by man and remain both virgins and savages. The rock is adorned with multiple colors according to the sun. It is advisable, even if you are experienced, to be accompanied by a guide. Because here, the risk is omnipresent especially when venturing on the vertical walls. In Tamtattouchte, many local offer their services and their control of the place. We also have the opportunity to be accompanied by mules that can carry heavy loads during the trek. Proof of the wild character of this region, we can meet the wolf who, if he fears the man, makes victims among the cattle. Over the centuries, the Todgha River has carved the cliffs leaving us a dream landscape worthy of the best postcards.

SOURCEThe gorge of TOUDGHA (TINGHIR / MOROCCO) and ecological tourism