The berber Land Jeep Tour Agadir, Morocco

The berber Land Jeep Tour

It is a dive in the heart of one of the oldest peoples of North Africa. In southern Morocco, in the regions mountains of the Anti-Atlas, we invite you toto meet the fascinating Berber civilization whose identity remained very strong. Its origins that go back to protohistory, until its culture and its traditions today, this route, far from traditional trips, you are driving to the meeting of a historical and natural heritage of a great wealth, from the Atlantic coast to borders of the desert.

On arrival, route for Massa via the coastal plain of Souss covered with an important forest of argan trees often scaled by goats that feed on their foliage and fruits. After lunch, departure through the valley of Massa and the Atlantic coast to the peaceful fishing village of Aglou. The place is linked to the madrassah Uggaguia, first nucleus of the Almoravids dynasty in the 12th century. who built a ribat now gone and starting point for their conquest of Morocco. Nowadays, Aglou has become a place resort for nature lovers. Continue to Mirleft, a coastal village located between Anti-Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, a sandy beach stretched to its feet. Of relatively recent construction, it bears witness to the time when Morocco was divided between French and Spanish. Walk in the village; and after a fish dinner, overnight in a house guesthouse facing the immensity of the ocean.
Departure for Sifi Ifni via Grouzim, known for fishing craft and the beach of Legzira, a spot still preserved which attracts many surfers. Visit of Sidi Ifni who enjoyed until 1969 a special status since it was still a Spanish enclave called "Holy Cross of the Small Sea", hence its particular architecture, mix of art-deco styles and Moorish of the 30's. Visit of a co-operative of prickly pear seed oil, "green gold" of the region. Lunch then continue to Tiznit and visit the city. In the plain of Sous, Tiznit already appears pre-Saharan with its belt of ramparts in ocher earth. Built in 1881 by the Sultan Hassan I, it immediately became a trading center with the Sahara. Commercial crossroads and cultural, the city is marked by a strong Berber identity that is reflected in his music, his dances, his rituals, his traditional pharmacopoeia, and especially in his craft. In the souks, a big choice of ceramics, spices, fruits and vegetables, and especially beautiful Berber jewels and daggers in silver, the specialty of the city. Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Tiznit.
Departure for Tafraoute in the Western Anti-Atlas via the Kerdous Pass, a rocky piedmont at 1100 meters above sea level overlooking several villages and small fields carefully cultivated. Beautiful road lined with almond trees. Continuation through the magnificent gorges of Ait Mansour in the heart of the mountains of the Anti-Atlas. Stop in the gorge and lunch in an inn. In the afternoon, drive to Agard Oudad. Stroll in this charming little village at the foot of the famous rock called "Napoleon's hat" and known for its rocks in relief extravagant pink and purple granite and its Rocks Painted by the Belgian artist Jean Vérame, a work controversial. Continue to the green valley of Ammelns. Visit of the Ecomuseum of Oumesnat, a traditional Berber house which allows to better know the ways of life of formerly local populations. Meeting with the owner of the house and chatting over a glass of tea at mint to the rhythm of the Berber music of the region. Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Tafraoute, village located in a beautiful site of pink granite mountains.
Departure to Tizourgane Ida Ognidif. Discovery of the kasbah that has dominated the valley since the 13th century. Tea break with mint then continuation to the municipality of Tassgdelt. Lunch at the inhabitant and visit of an agadir. In Berber, the igoudar (plural of agadir) are the collective traditional fortified granaries. Their function is to store and shelter goods, both crops and food, valuables, weapons and ammunition or acts and official titles such as title deeds or marriage certificates. Continuation to Taroudant. Dinner and overnight in a guest house.
Departure for Tiout. Overlooked by the old village and the ancient kasbah, the magnificent palm grove of Tiout unrolls its seguias and irrigation channels within a vast labyrinth plant with two large basins that store a precious water. This frame The scenery served as the setting for the film "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" in 1952. A stroll through palm grove and visit of an argan oil extraction cooperative run by the women of the village. Lunch in the palm grove. Back to Taroudant and visit this medieval town nicknamed "the small Marrakesh ", and former capital of the Saadian dynasty, is today an agricultural city renowned for its temperate climate throughout the year, its mesmerizing medina, its colorful souks and his Berber craftsmanship. His discovery helps to better understand this historic Morocco that defends its intimacy behind the walls of ocher earth. Dinner and overnight in the guest house.
Departure for the High Atlas and Inzerki, the largest traditional apiary in the world. The perfect opportunity to discover the honey of the region, well-known throughout from Morocco. After the visit of the apiary, tea at the inhabitant with tasting of honey. Her flower perfumes thyme, lavender or cactus will enchant the most subtle palates. Lunch in an inn located on an eagle's nest in the rural district of Tikki then, continuation to Imouzer by the "road" honey. "Perched at 1250 meters above sea level, the village overlooks a beautiful palm grove. for its waterfalls, beekeeping is one of the main activities. Dinner and overnight in an ecolodge.
Departure for the "Paradise Valley" with its natural pools and lush vegetation. Continue to Agadir via the coastal village of Aourir. AT the arrival, visit the Kasbah, the only vestige of ancient Agadir, offering a beautiful panorama of the city and the port. Destroyed by an earthquake in 1960, Agadir is today a tourist city modern, famous for its beach stretching for more than 10 km. Lunch then, city tour. Museum visit Amazighe Heritage and souk el Had, the largest urban souk in Morocco and Africa. Installation in a guest house in the hinterland of Agadir. Dinner and overnight.
After breakfast at the hotel, the trip is now to the airport for departure flight.


It is a dive in the heart of one of the oldest peoples of North Africa.…

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It is a dive in the heart of one of the oldest peoples of North Africa. In southern Morocco, in the regions mountains of the Anti-Atlas, we invite you toto meet the fascinating Berber civilization whose identity remained very strong. Its origins that go back to protohistory, until its culture and its traditions today, this route, far from traditional trips, you are driving to the meeting of a historical and natural heritage of a great wealth, from the Atlantic coast to borders of the desert.

On arrival, route for Massa via the coastal plain of Souss covered with an important forest of argan trees often scaled by goats that feed on their foliage and fruits. After lunch, departure through the valley of Massa and the Atlantic coast to the peaceful fishing village of Aglou. The place is linked to the madrassah Uggaguia, first nucleus of the Almoravids dynasty in the 12th century. who built a ribat now gone and starting point for their conquest of Morocco. Nowadays, Aglou has become a place resort for nature lovers. Continue to Mirleft, a coastal village located between Anti-Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, a sandy beach stretched to its feet. Of relatively recent construction, it bears witness to the time when Morocco was divided between French and Spanish. Walk in the village; and after a fish dinner, overnight in a house guesthouse facing the immensity of the ocean.
Departure for Sifi Ifni via Grouzim, known for fishing craft and the beach of Legzira, a spot still preserved which attracts many surfers. Visit of Sidi Ifni who enjoyed until 1969 a special status since it was still a Spanish enclave called "Holy Cross of the Small Sea", hence its particular architecture, mix of art-deco styles and Moorish of the 30's. Visit of a co-operative of prickly pear seed oil, "green gold" of the region. Lunch then continue to Tiznit and visit the city. In the plain of Sous, Tiznit already appears pre-Saharan with its belt of ramparts in ocher earth. Built in 1881 by the Sultan Hassan I, it immediately became a trading center with the Sahara. Commercial crossroads and cultural, the city is marked by a strong Berber identity that is reflected in his music, his dances, his rituals, his traditional pharmacopoeia, and especially in his craft. In the souks, a big choice of ceramics, spices, fruits and vegetables, and especially beautiful Berber jewels and daggers in silver, the specialty of the city. Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Tiznit.
Departure for Tafraoute in the Western Anti-Atlas via the Kerdous Pass, a rocky piedmont at 1100 meters above sea level overlooking several villages and small fields carefully cultivated. Beautiful road lined with almond trees. Continuation through the magnificent gorges of Ait Mansour in the heart of the mountains of the Anti-Atlas. Stop in the gorge and lunch in an inn. In the afternoon, drive to Agard Oudad. Stroll in this charming little village at the foot of the famous rock called "Napoleon's hat" and known for its rocks in relief extravagant pink and purple granite and its Rocks Painted by the Belgian artist Jean Vérame, a work controversial. Continue to the green valley of Ammelns. Visit of the Ecomuseum of Oumesnat, a traditional Berber house which allows to better know the ways of life of formerly local populations. Meeting with the owner of the house and chatting over a glass of tea at mint to the rhythm of the Berber music of the region. Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Tafraoute, village located in a beautiful site of pink granite mountains.
Departure to Tizourgane Ida Ognidif. Discovery of the kasbah that has dominated the valley since the 13th century. Tea break with mint then continuation to the municipality of Tassgdelt. Lunch at the inhabitant and visit of an agadir. In Berber, the igoudar (plural of agadir) are the collective traditional fortified granaries. Their function is to store and shelter goods, both crops and food, valuables, weapons and ammunition or acts and official titles such as title deeds or marriage certificates. Continuation to Taroudant. Dinner and overnight in a guest house.
Departure for Tiout. Overlooked by the old village and the ancient kasbah, the magnificent palm grove of Tiout unrolls its seguias and irrigation channels within a vast labyrinth plant with two large basins that store a precious water. This frame The scenery served as the setting for the film "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" in 1952. A stroll through palm grove and visit of an argan oil extraction cooperative run by the women of the village. Lunch in the palm grove. Back to Taroudant and visit this medieval town nicknamed "the small Marrakesh ", and former capital of the Saadian dynasty, is today an agricultural city renowned for its temperate climate throughout the year, its mesmerizing medina, its colorful souks and his Berber craftsmanship. His discovery helps to better understand this historic Morocco that defends its intimacy behind the walls of ocher earth. Dinner and overnight in the guest house.
Departure for the High Atlas and Inzerki, the largest traditional apiary in the world. The perfect opportunity to discover the honey of the region, well-known throughout from Morocco. After the visit of the apiary, tea at the inhabitant with tasting of honey. Her flower perfumes thyme, lavender or cactus will enchant the most subtle palates. Lunch in an inn located on an eagle's nest in the rural district of Tikki then, continuation to Imouzer by the "road" honey. "Perched at 1250 meters above sea level, the village overlooks a beautiful palm grove. for its waterfalls, beekeeping is one of the main activities. Dinner and overnight in an ecolodge.
Departure for the "Paradise Valley" with its natural pools and lush vegetation. Continue to Agadir via the coastal village of Aourir. AT the arrival, visit the Kasbah, the only vestige of ancient Agadir, offering a beautiful panorama of the city and the port. Destroyed by an earthquake in 1960, Agadir is today a tourist city modern, famous for its beach stretching for more than 10 km. Lunch then, city tour. Museum visit Amazighe Heritage and souk el Had, the largest urban souk in Morocco and Africa. Installation in a guest house in the hinterland of Agadir. Dinner and overnight.
After breakfast at the hotel, the trip is now to the airport for departure flight.
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Days : 8 | Nights : 7


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